A beautiful path of self-discovery that we encounter as we live with our autistic children is Honouring Oneself. The journey to honour oneself is the journey in which you will meet all that matter to you.
Our children teach us this! Have you ever come across any Autist who does not honour themselves? I don’t think so!
If someone asked you who is your favorite person in the whole world, I am sure you will search and find someone who has inspired you, who has loved you, who has been your guide!
I asked the children what does it look like when we honour ourselves? Here is what they told me:
Honouring ourselves means you are your own biggest star and you are your own biggest fan.
Honouring yourself means you are not afraid to be you in this world.
Honouring yourself means you will celebrate every moment as a gift, as a blessing and as an opportunity to be the light you are meant to be in this world.
Honouring yourself means you know you have everything it takes to guide yourself to your highest possible being-ness.
Honouring yourself means you never have to look outside for approval.
Honour yourself my amigos!