Mrs. Nandini Santhanam

Founder And Chairperson The Lotus Foundation

I believe that the children with autism are her to lead humanity into co-creating The New Earth. I , through my silent work with the children have come to hold the space for the evolution that is in process. I believe that autism is highest form of individualisation and that is the doorway to finding coherence in community whose members are whole and complete in themselves. And so the process continues!


Senior Educational Enabler, Samarpan Learning Centre. (A Unit Of The Lotus Foundation)

Every child is unique, but some possess an extraordinary resilience that inspires and admiration. Their presence enriches our communities, fostering a culture of acceptance and understanding .As we honor the strength and resilience of a child to uplift and empower them, ensuring they have equal access to opportunities and resources.

S. D. Manoj

Senior Educational Enabler Samarpan Learning Centre (A Unit Of The Lotus Foundation)

My journey in traveling with young adults has been deeply rewarding, filled with moments of triumph and learning. Looking ahead, my greatest wish for the child is to thrive in an inclusive learning environment where they feel valued, supported, and empowered to reach their life skills. Together, let’s create a world where every child’s educational journey is marked by opportunity, growth, and fulfillment.