Teaching Freedom

I hear the children laugh as I name this blog post. How can you teach freedom they ask? Do you feel free yourself? Our children had invited me provocatively through this line of thought. I of course the drama loving human that I am stepped into it with gusto! One of the pillars of intentions […]

Honour Yourself

A beautiful path of self-discovery that we encounter as we live with our autistic children is Honouring Oneself. The journey to honour oneself is the journey in which you will meet all that matter to you. Our children teach us this! Have you ever come across any Autist who does not honour themselves? I don’t […]

The Earth Is A Spectacular Place

This our Earth that we all co-inhabit is such a great place to be in this time! The swing of the pendulum that is fear to bliss can be felt so accurately here. Even though we can fear at times and bliss at most times, remaining in balance somewhere oscillating between peace and joy is […]

Abundance Consciousness or Conservative Consumption

The new normal is emerging! It is the life we have been called to live by our own inner being! There are many reforms that is going to be brought about by you and me in this new normal. There are many ideas that are going to be the new way of life. One such […]

Tuning To Spirit

As we are preparing to re-enter public life after being private for a period of time, we wish to send you all so much love. We wish we had a magic wand to swish away all your anxieties. Here are a few things that you could begin to practice from now onward: ♥ Be kind […]

Imagine Life

Each one of us are exactly where we are meant to be. We have created the exact life that we wanted. Some of us wanted a break from the routines. So we got it. Some of us wanted to be more private and so here we are in isolation. Some of us wanted the earth […]

Redefining Autism Redefining Ourselves

As you meet us in this new way in every moment, you will meet yourself first as a new magnificent being. In our daily living we fill ourselves with all kinds of things. TV, News, Movies, Opinions, Beliefs, Expectations and Routines. It is now a good time to pause all activity for a brief moment […]

Pravesh on ZOOM Call

Message from PRAVESH during Lotus ZOOM Meeting on 7th May 2020: I am so thrilled to be here. Each one of us are on our individual journeys. Our paths are individual even if we are travelling together. Respect one another for wherever each is. Love them all and bless them all! Thank you Mallika aunty […]

Till Death Do Us Apart

We the autists of the world are looked upon as loners, those who prefer solitude. Yet we are the experts on relationships. We feel you energetically. We do not need your words. Words are cumbersome because they carry heavy baggage of associated meanings with them. You can hear us and see us just as clearly […]

Timelessness and Spacelessness

Timelessness and Spacelessness are two alternate paths to connection with the Source and alignment with your inner-being. Both these has the sacred potential to lead us to our inner core. Imagination is the vehicle to this inspiration. Imagination means “the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not […]